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Google Logica is an open source declarative logic programming language in the field of data manipulation. Yedalog was predecessor of Logica. Yedalog was also created at Google before. Logica is for data scientists, engineers and other specialists who want to use logic programming syntax while writing queries and pipelines to run on Big Query.

Logica stands for Logic with aggregation.

Why to check Google Logica?

Compiler compiles Logica to StandardSQL and gives developer access to the power of BigQuery engine with the easy usability of logic programming syntax. This is helpful because BigQuery is much more powerful than state of the art native logic programming engines.

Explore logica if you find yourself in one or the below conditions:

Already using a programming language and require more computational power.

Readability is a concern while using SQL.

You are keen to learn a logic programming and apply it to Big Data Use cases.

Hearing Logic programming for the first time. What is it?

Logic programming is a declarative programming standard where the program is written with a set of logical executable statements.

This programming concept was first developed in academia from the late 60s. Prolog and Datalog are the most common examples of logic programming languages.

Logica is one of the languages of the Datalog family.

Datalog and relational databases start from the same thought process,

Conceptualize data as relations and data manipulation as a sequence of operations over these relations. But Datalog and SQL differ from operation aspects. Datalog is inspired completely by the mathematical syntax whereas SQL follows the syntax of natural language.

SQL was based on the natural language to give access to databases to the developer community without formal training in any programming languages. This usability may become pricy when the logic that you want to express is important. There are many examples present over internet of hard-to-read SQL queries that correspond to simple logic programs.

How does Google Logica work?

Logica compiles written logic program into a SQL programming expression, so it can be executed on BigQuery (SQL Engine).

Among database practitioners Datalog and SQL are known to be very much similar. The conversion from Datalog to SQL and back is often straight. However there are a few small differences, for e.g. how to utilize disjunction and negation. In Logica, Google has tried to make SQL structure as easy as possible, thus empowering user to write programs that are executed very efficiently.

How to learn?

Learn basics of Google Logica with the CoLab tutorial located at tutorial folder. See e.g. of using Logica in examples folder.

Tutorial and examples show how to access Logica from CoLab. You can also install Logica command line tool.

Setup Prerequisites

To run Logica programs on BigQuery you will need a Google Cloud Project. Once you have a project you can run Logica programs in CoLab providing your project id.

To run Logica locally you need Python3.

To initiate Logica predicates execution from the command line you will need bq, a BigQuery command line tool. For that you need to install Google Cloud SDK.


Google Cloud Project is the only thing you need to run Google Logica in Colab, see Hello World example.

You can install Logica command with pip as follows.

# Install.
python3 -m pip install logica
# Run:
# To see usage message.
python3 -m logica
# To print SQL for HelloWorld program.
python3 -m logica - print Greet <<<'Greet(greeting: "Hello world!")'

If your PATH includes Python’s bin folder then you will also be able to run it simply as

logica - print Greet <<<'Greet(greeting: "Hello world!")'

Alternatively, you can clone GitHub repository:

git clone
cd logica
./logica - print Greet <<<'Greet(greeting: "Hello world!")'

Code samples

Here a couple examples of how Logica code looks like.

Prime numbers

Find prime numbers less than 30.

Program primes.l:

# Define natural numbers from 1 to 29.
N(x) :- x in Range(30);
# Define primes.
Prime(prime: x) :-
  x > 1,
    y > 1,
    y != x,
    Mod(x, y) == 0


The Logica tutorial is already available on Google.

Google Open Source Logica

Developers should start learning Logica if they are working with Google platforms and Big Data world. This is here to stay. Keep looking for more

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#3 Best Data Architecture need for modern applications Tue, 30 Mar 2021 09:00:07 +0000

Basics of Data Architecture

Data architecture is a critical component of the enterprise applications, data does not leads to only information and knowledge but it define the business strategy of any organization.  It is the basis of providing any service in the digital world. The indicative characteristics of an information system around the data it holds would include:

  • Personal and sensitive data
  • Large size and large number of datasets
  • Interdependent, Complex and diverse 
  • Dynamic e.g. stock market data
  • Unstructured e.g. social media data
  • Short and long life data

Because of above diverse characteristics designing the Data architecture is very important and necessary factor while designing enterprise application.

However, before we get into the Architecture, let us talk about what is happening with data in modern days. Why RDBMS limiting its use cases? Why everyone talking about NOSQL? Why everyone talking about BIG data and data analytics? Why data science became a stream for research?

 Over the past few decades, we have collected huge amount of data and only some percentage are  supposed to be meaningful data people used to fit them in RDBMS but when we realized the potential of ignored, unstructured massive data,  World started shifting towards NOSQL, Big data and data analytics. In addition, with advancement of the processing power Speed became one of the key driver to access huge unstructured data.

So, enterprise data architecture of modern days applications is a break from traditional data application where data is disconnected from other application and analytics at the same time.

The enterprise data architecture supports fast data created in a multitude of new endpoints, operationalizes the use of that data in applications, and moves data to a “data lake” where services are available for the deep, long-term storage and analytics needs of the enterprise. The enterprise data architecture can be represented as a data pipeline that unifies applications, analytics, and application interaction across multiple functions, products, and disciplines

Modern Data and databases

Key to understanding the need for an enterprise data architecture is an examination of the “database universe” concept, which illustrates the tight link between the age of data and its value.

Most technologists support data existence in a time continuum. In almost every business, data moves from function to function to inform business decisions at all levels of the organization. While data silos still exist, many organizations are moving away from the practice of  dumping data in a database—e.g., Oracle, Postgres, DB2, MSSQL, etc.—and holding it statically for long periods of time before taking action.

Why Architecture Matters

Interacting with fast data is a fundamentally different process than interacting with big data that is at  rest, requiring systems that are architected differently. With the correct assembly of components that

reflect the reality that application and analytics are merging, an enterprise data architecture can be built that achieves the needs of both data in motion (fast) and data at rest (big).

Building high-performance applications that can take advantage of fast data is a new challenge. Combining these capabilities with big data analytics into an enterprise data architecture is increasingly becoming table stakes.

Objective of designing Enterprise Data Architecture

The objective of designing the enterprise architecture is to deliver key service delivery value to the Enterprises. The value delivered by investing in designing the architecture can be evaluated using follow 

  • Cost savings
  • Efficiency
  • Service quality
  • Strategic control
  • Availability

To achieve two things emerge as need for today application- FATS & BIG. Enterprise applications should able to process big amount of data and server as fast as possible to achieve the highest output from it.

Here is the reference architecture for Modern application considering the above facts

                                                              Reference Architecture for Modern Enterprise Application

The first thing to notice is the tight coupling of fast and big, although they are separate systems; they have to be, at least at scale. The database system designed to work with millions of event decisions per second is wholly different from the system designed to hold petabytes of data and generate extensive historical reports.

Big Data, the Enterprise Data Architecture, and the Data Lake

The big data portion of the architecture is centered around a data lake, the storage location in which the enterprise dumps all of its data. This component is a critical attribute for a data pipeline that must  capture all information. The data lake is not necessarily unique because of its design or functionality; rather, its importance comes from the fact that it can present an enormously cost-effective system to store everything. Essentially, it is a distributed file system on cheap commodity hardware.

Today, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) looks like a suitable alternative for this data lake, but it is by no means the only answer. There might be multiple winning technologies that provide solutions to the need.

The big data platform’s core requirements are to store historical data that will be sent or shared with other data management products, and also to support frameworks for executing jobs directly against the data in the data lake.

Necessary components for Enterprise Architecture

  1. Business intelligence (BI) – reporting

Data warehouses do an excellent job of reporting and will continue to offer this capability. Some data will be exported to those systems and temporarily stored there, while other data will be accessed directly from the data lake in a hybrid fashion. These data warehouse systems were specifically designed to run complex report analytics, and do this well.

  • SQL on Hadoop

Much innovation is happening in this space. The goal of many of these products is to displace the data warehouse. These systems have a long way to go to get near the speed and efficiency of data warehouses, especially those with columnar designs. SQLon- Hadoop systems exist for a couple of important reasons:

  1. SQL is still the best way to query data
  2. Processing can occur without moving big chunks of data around
  • Exploratory analytics

This is the realm of the data scientist. These tools offer the ability to “find” things in data: patterns, obscure relationships, statistical rules, etc.

  • Job scheduling

  This is a loosely named group of job scheduling and management tasks that often occur in Hadoop. Many Hadoop use cases today involve pre-processing or cleaning data prior to the use of the analytics tools described above. These tools and interfaces allow that to happen.

The big data side of the enterprise data architecture has gained huge attention in Modern Enterprise Applications. Few would debate the fact that Hadoop has sparked the imagination of what is possible when data is fully utilized. However, the reality of how this data will be leveraged is still largely unknown.

Integrating Traditional Enterprise Applications into the Enterprise Data Architecture

The new enterprise data architecture can coexist with traditional applications until the time at which those applications require the capabilities of the enterprise data architecture. They will then be merged

into the data pipeline. The predominant way in which this integration occurs today, and will continue for the foreseeable future, is through an extract, transform, and load (ETL) process that extracts, transforms as required, and loads legacy data into the data lake where everything is stored. These applications will migrate to full-fledged fast + big data modern applications.


It is absolutely necessary to understand the promise and value of fast data but it is not sufficient enough for guaranteed success for enterprise working on implementing Big data initiatives. However, technologies and skillset to take advantage of fast data is necessary and critical for business and enterprises across the globe.

Fast data is a product of Big data, while there are unleashed opportunities from mining the data to derive business insights to enable growth there are much that still need to be accomplished. So by collecting vast amounts of data for exploration and analysis will not prepare a business to act in real time, as data flows into the organization from millions of endpoints: sensors, mobile devices, connected systems, and the Internet of Things.

We have to understand the architectural requirement for both fast and Big data separately and address the challenges with the right tools and technologies. But to take the business advantage we have to architecturally integrate and serve the applications on fast data processed from big data.

For more information refer wiki and explore more at Teknonauts

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